Well hello again. It's been a while. I won't list all the things that have happened over this time because I am going to be positive! Instead I'll quickly mention how my work has changed. I've taken up hand sewing. I had known for a while that I loved simple sewing of items like lavender bags and the calming repetition of stitching with needle and thread. Then, all of a sudden it became something of great importance in my life. Sewing can be picked up or put down in a moment while all sorts of things are going on in the background. It does not need much space or mess being made (although I still manage to make threads appear all over the house). And it is a process of steps that inherently give you time to consider what the next ones will be. You can create something from even the smallest of scraps and that in itself feels very restorative.
That's all for know but I will share some more soon.